Need for Speed: Underground

This page is for the PC version of Need for Speed: Underground. For patches for the PS2 version of Need for Speed: Underground, see Need for Speed: Underground (PS2).


Last update: March 12, 2025

This small SilentPatch primarily addresses the infamous “Magazine 22” issue, where a bug in the game’s implementation made the unlock requirements nearly impossible to meet. Additionally, several smaller bugs have also been fixed.

  • Fixed the unlock requirements for Magazine 22, which is awarded for setting a Drift Track record. The magazine is now awarded for beating the average lap high score, ensuring the requirements are fair regardless of the number of laps in the event.
  • Drift events now display the total score as their High Score instead of style points.
  • Fixed a random game crash when saving if the system date format exceeded 11 characters.

Setup instructions


See source on GitHub

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