Welcome to Silent’s Blog

Personal, modding and reverse engineering related content.

About Cyberpunk 2077 and AMD CPUs

December 13, 2020 (edited December 19, 2020)

5 min. to read

Let's try to clarify some things and get facts straight.

Second release of SilentPatch for Mass Effect

November 7, 2020

1 min. to read

AI works as intended again.

Fixing a completely random bug in Cxbx-Reloaded - Star Wars: KotOR

October 20, 2020

5 min. to read

Default does not have to mean zero. It can mean nothing.

Introducing modifications for console games

September 27, 2020

2 min. to read

Starting with GameShark codes for Gran Turismo games.

Fixing Mass Effect black blobs on modern AMD CPUs

July 19, 2020 (edited November 7, 2020)

13 min. to read

Graphical artifacts caused by a CPU, not GPU? Sure thing.