Welcome to Silent’s Blog

Personal, modding and reverse engineering related content.

Crashing DInput8 DLL with two lines of code

August 2, 2019

5 min. to read

Load... unload... crash!

How NOT to operate on paths – Metal Gear Rising

June 30, 2019

4 min. to read

Cue ultimate guesswork on where Documents are located (and more).

Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition UPDATE #3 is out!

April 18, 2019

1 min. to read

Now also with a few improvements from myself - controller rumble and more!

SilentPatch for The Godfather The Game – Build 2

April 14, 2019

1 min. to read

Was the patch not working with your game version? Got you covered now.

Co-Driver Splitter - Co-driver calls on headphones

April 11, 2019

2 min. to read

Make racing more immersive by separating co-driver from the rest of the sounds.