Flipper Zero


Last update: September 18, 2024

Stress test your Flipper by crunching prime numbers.

Application to stress test the Flipper by finding Mersenne primes using the Lucas-Lehmer Test, much like Prime95 does.


By default, the app starts from the Mersenne prime M2. This can be overridden from the CLI, and the application may be instructed to advance to testing a higher Mersenne number for primality.

The following commands are added to ufbt cli:

  • flipper95 advance Mx – advance calculations to Mersenne number Mx, where x is a positive number.
  • flipper95 prime – print the last found Mersenne prime.
  • flipper95 perfect_number – print a perfect number corresponding to the last found Mersenne prime. This number is calculated on demand, so this command might take a very long time!

Download from Flipper Lab

See source on GitHub

Mode 7 Demo

Last update: January 22, 2024

A simple proof-of-concept of pseudo 3D rendering, modelled after a famous Mode 7 from SNES.


  • Up/Down/Left/Right - Move the camera.
  • OK - Rotate the camera.
  • Back (press) - Switch backgrounds.
  • Back (hold) - Exit.

Custom assets

The demo accepts two custom assets, optionally placed on the SD card:

  • /mode7_demo/background.pbm - a custom background that can be selected by short pressing Back 3 times. Must be saved as a Raw PBM, text-based PBM files are not supported.
  • /mode7_demo/scales.txt - a text file that should consist of two numbers specifying the background scaling (16 16). Higher values “zoom out” the camera.

Known issues and limitations

  • Please don’t use this demo as an example of a Flipper Zero app lifecycle. Literally nothing about this app’s initialization, teardown or logic is done “by the book”. A proper application should stick to using Views or Scenes.
  • No effort was put into optimizing the maths behind the perspective projection and the code has not been profiled. The cost of those calculations could probably be reduced significantly by interpolating the intermediate values within a scanline. Floating-point math could also be replaced with fixed-point math, potentially improving performance further.
  • Mirrored screen in qFlipper is very laggy. This does not happen on the device.


See source on GitHub